3 Important KRA Returns Requirements That You Need To Have With You

Get to know the 3 Important KRA Returns Requirements That You Need To Have before filing your KRA Returns in 2020. The Requirements for KRA Returns in 2020.

It’s a New Year and a time for new beginnings. If you have an active KRA PIN, then this means that you need to start the process of filing your KRA Returns as early as this January. Some people might say there is no need to file your KRA Returns early because you have upto 30th June 2020

Before beginning the process of filing your KRA Returns, you need to know about the key requirements needed for the filing process on KRA iTax Portal. This article is going to highlight these three key KRA Returns requirements that all taxpayers need to know off. 

READ ALSO: How To Change KRA Email Address Using KRA iTax Portal

Well the above notion is now old school and the earlier you file your KRA Returns the better. Most Kenyans are known with the habit of waiting upto the last minute to file their KRA Returns each year.  Some of those who don’t file their Returns by 30th June sometimes even ask Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) for an extension. 

The bad news is that their is never going to be an extension and you need to plan the appropriate time to file your KRA Returns before the 30th June 2020 deadline. The earlier you start, the better as you shall be avoiding the last minute rush. 

You need to take note and understand that any Kenyan with a KRA PIN is supposed to file his or her iTax Returns on or before the deadline. So, whether you are employed or unemployed, as long as you have a KRA PIN Number, filing KRA Returns is a must and failure to do so means that you will receive a penalty from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

What Is KRA Returns Requirements?

What Is KRA Returns Requirements

KRA Returns Requirements is simple the set of requirements that a Taxpayer needs to have at hand before commencing to filing his or her KRA Returns on iTax Portal. The KRA Returns Requirements comprises of the KRA PIN Number, KRA iTax Password and P9 FormSo, before you file your KRA Returns in 2020, you need to ensure that you have with you the Returns Requirements in your checklist of KRA Returns filing schedule. 

Now, in this article, I am going to share with you the 3 Important KRA Returns Requirements That You Need To Have With You before filing your KRA Returns on iTax Portal. Take note that we shall break these 3 requirements into two categories as follows:

  • Requirements for those who have a source of income (Employed)
  • Requirements for those who don’t have a source of income (Unemployed)

Each of the above categories has its own set of KRA Returns Requirements that one need to have before commencing on filing his or her KRA Returns on iTax Portal. Now. let’s begin to look at the KRA Returns Requirements for 2020. 

3 Important KRA Returns Requirements That You Need To Have With You

kra returns requirements

Just like any online application, the process of filing KRA Returns has its own set of requirements that you need to have with you before proceeding. In our case, the process of filing KRA Returns requires you as a taxpayer to have three key sets of requirements with you. This includes the following:

  • KRA PIN Number

  • KRA iTax Password

  • P9 Form

To expound on the above 3 key requirements for filing KRA Returns, we shall need to put each one into the two categories that we had listed above i.e requirements for those who have a source of income (employed) and requirements for those who don’t have a source of income (unemployed). 

KRA Returns Requirements For Those Who Have A Source Of Income (Employed)

employed kenyans

The first category/group of taxpayers whom we are going to discuss are those who are in formal employment. This is the group of taxpayers in Kenya who earn a monthly salary and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) is deducted from their salaries by their employers and remitted to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). 

If you fall in this category, what set of requirements do you need to have before filing your KRA Returns in 2020? Well for all those who are employed, you need to have the following 3 requirements with you:

  • KRA PIN Number (Self KRA PIN and Employer KRA PIN)

The first thing that you need to have is your KRA PIN Number and also the KRA PIN Number of your employer. This is important because as you will be filing the Income Tax Returns Excel Sheet that requires you input your KRA PIN and also the KRA PIN for your Employer. 

If you have forgotten or do not know your KRA PIN, you can submit your order online at Cyber.co.ke Portal for KRA PIN Retrieval. You will need this KRA PIN during the process of logging into your KRA iTax Account.

  • KRA iTax Password

The next requirement that you need to have with you is your KRA iTax Password. You will need your iTax Password as you will be requires to log into your KRA iTax Account. Incase you have forgotten your iTax Password, you can refer to our article on How To Reset KRA iTax Password

  • P9 Form

The last requirement for those who are in formal employment is the P9 Form. A KRA P9 Form is a form issued to employees by employers containing total emoluments received in a year and may include the following depending on the structuring by the employer: basic salaryallowances and benefitsgross salarypension contributionPAYE charged and personal relief entitlement.  The P9 Form plays an important role as you will use the figures as outlined above to calculate the Tax/Refund Due from/to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)

Now that we have addressed the KRA Returns Requirements for those who are employed, we need to look at the KRA Returns Requirements for those who don’t have a source of income (unemployed). Check out our article on How To File KRA Returns Using P9 Form. 

KRA Returns Requirements For Those Who Don’t Have A Source Of Income (Unemployed)

unemployed kenyans

This is probably the largest group of taxpayers in Kenya and it is comprised of those of File KRA Nil Returns as they have a KRA PIN but do not have any source of income. If you fall in this category, what set of requirements do you need to have before filing your KRA Returns in 2020? Well for all those who are unemployed, you need to have the following 2 requirements with you:

  • KRA PIN Number (Self KRA PIN)

The first requirement that you need nto have with you is your KRA PIN Number. If you have forgotten or do not know your KRA PIN, you can submit your order online at Cyber.co.ke Portal for KRA PIN Retrieval. You will need this KRA PIN during the process of logging into your KRA iTax Account

  • KRA iTax Password

The last but not least requirement that you need to have is your KRA iTax Password. You will need your iTax Password to log into KRA iTax Account. Incase you have forgotten your iTax Password, you can refer to our article on How To Reset KRA iTax Password

The above are the Returns Requirements that you need to have with you if you are unemployed. Check out our article on How To File KRA Nil Returns