How To Change KRA PIN Email Address Using iTax Portal

Learn the steps of How To Change KRA PIN Email Address Using iTax Portal. Get to know How to Change Email Address on KRA PIN using KRA iTax Portal today.

Changing KRA PIN Email Address is no easy task if you don’t know the steps and procedure that you need to follow to do this. From ensuring that you have with you the new KRA Email Address to also having the iTax Login Credentials needed for changing KRA iTax Registered Email Address. 

In this article today, I am going to share with you the steps that you need to take when you want to change the Email Address that is associated with your KRA PIN Number of iTax. Just as part of our blogging custom here at Portal, we need to lay down the foundation to this post by understanding what KRA PIN Email Address is. This will form the basis of understanding how to change KRA Email Address on iTax Portal or KRA Portal. 

READ ALSO: How To File KRA Returns Using KRA iTax Portal If Unemployed

You need to take note that we shall be talking about the Email Address that is associated and linked to your KRA PIN Number on iTax. This is what Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) sometimes refers to as iTax Registered Email Address or simply KRA Email Address of the taxpayer linked to his or her KRA PIN Number on iTax. 

It will be impossible for you to Register for KRA PIN, if you don’t have an active Email Address. As a rule of thumb, you always have to ensure that before applying for KRA PIN Registration, you email address is active and you can be able to access that email address with ease. The email address plays an important role for all taxpayers in Kenya. 

There are normally two ways of changing your KRA Email Address on iTax, the first one is by logging into your iTax Account and doing PIN Amendment whereby you will change your email. The quickest and easiest is by using our KRA PIN Change of Email Address services. Just place your order online for KRA PIN Change of Email Address today. 

What is KRA PIN Email Address?

what is kra pin email address

KRA PIN Email Address simply refers to the Email Address that is associated with the KRA PIN Number of a Taxpayer in KRA iTax Portal. The Email Address on KRA PIN is the one that a Kenyan uses when he or she applies for KRA PIN Registration at Portal and whereby the KRA PIN Certificate and iTax Password will be sent to. He or she will use the iTax Password sent to the KRA PIN Email Address to access the KRA iTax Portal.

It is important that when registering for a KRA PIN at Portal, you use a functioning Email Address that you can easily access so as to get the KRA PIN Certificate and also the KRA iTax Password from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) upon successful KRA PIN Registration here at Portal. Also, the PIN Email Address will be appearing on the KRA PIN certificate.

We need to understand what makes a taxpayer want to change the Email Address that is associated with their KRA PIN Number in iTax Portal. What are these reasons that leads one to want to Change KRA PIN Email Address.

Reasons For Changing KRA PIN Email Address

Basically there exists three common reasons why taxpayers Change Email Address on iTax Portal. This includes; no longer have access or use the current email address, have a new email address that i am using and need to easily reset KRA iTax Password and get KRA Email notifications.

  • No Longer Have Access or Use The Current Email Address

We are all humans and are not perfect. So we sometimes forget the passwords to our current email addresses or no longer use those emails. If this email is the one that you used to Register for KRA PIN with, then you will definitely be needing to change this Email Address.

  • Have a New Email Address That I am Currently  Using

You just created a new email address either Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook and need it to be associated with your KRA PIN on KRA iTax Portal. This will lead you to have to change the current email address in your iTax Portal account. 

  • Need to Easily Reset KRA iTax Password and Get KRA Email Notifications

The last is probably you need a new email on your KRA PIN, so as to be able to reset iTax Password in future in case you need to do that. Also, you need to be getting those important Email notifications from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

Now that we have looked at the reasons for Changing KRA PIN Email Address on KRA iTax Portal, we need to look at the requirements that you need to have before beginning the process of Changing your KRA Email Address on iTax Portal.

Requirements Needed For Changing KRA PIN Email Address

For you to be able to change Email Address on iTax Portal, you need to ensure that you have with you KRA PIN Number and iTax Password. These are the only two key requirements that you will be needing in this process of Changing the KRA PIN Email Address on iTax.

  • KRA PIN Number

The first thing that you need to have with you is your KRA PIN Number. If by any chance you have forgotten or you don’t remember your KRA PIN, you can submit KRA PIN Retrieval order online here at Portal and our team of experts will be able to assist with with PIN Retrieval request. If you are looking for a new KRA PIN, you can get it here in 3 minutes by submitting your KRA PIN Registration order today at Portal

  • KRA iTax Password

The next item that you need to have with you is your KRA iTax Password. You will need the iTax Password to access your KRA iTax Account. If you don’t know or have forgotten your iTax Password, you can check our article on How To Reset KRA iTax Password. Once you have requested for password reset, a new password will be emailed to you and you can use it to log into your iTax Account.

You can only change or reset your iTax Password if the email used in KRA iTax Portal is the same that you currently have. If you don’t remember or need to change your KRA Email Address, you can submit KRA PIN Change of Email Address order online at Portal and have your Email Address changed so as to enable your Reset KRA iTax Password.

Now that you are all set with your KRA PIN Number and your KRA iTax Password, we can start the process of How To Change KRA PIN Email Address Using KRA iTax Portal.

How To Change KRA PIN Email Address Using iTax Portal

Step 1: Visit KRA Portal

The first step that you need to take is to ensure that you visit the KRA iTax Portal using the link provided above in the title.

access kra itax portal

Step 2: Enter Your KRA PIN Number

In this step, you will need to enter your KRA PIN Number. If you have forgotten your KRA PIN, you can request for KRA PIN Retrieval here at Portal and your KRA PIN will be sent to your email address immediately. Once you have entered your KRA PIN, click on the “Continue” botton to proceed to the next step.

enter kra itax pin number

Step 3: Enter KRA iTax Password and Solve Arithmetic Question (Security Stamp)

In this step, you will be required to enter your KRA iTax Password and also solve the arithmetic question (security stamp). If you have forgotten your iTax Password, you can check our article on How To Reset KRA iTax Password. A new password will be sent to your email and you can use it to login. Once you have entered your iTax Password, click on the “Login” button to access your iTax Account.

enter kra itax password and security stamp

Step 4: iTax Account Dashboard

Once you have entered the correct iTax Password and solved the arithmetic question (security stamp) as illustrated in Step 3 above, you will be able to see and access your iTax Account Dashboard. This is as illustrated in the screenshot below.

kra itax portal dashboard

Step 5: Click On The Registration Menu Tab Followed By Amend PIN Details

In this step, you will need to click on the “Registration” menu tab and from the drop down list of the menu list items, click on “Amend PIN Details.”

click on amend pin details

NOTE: Don’t mind the colours in the image above. We had to borrow the above image screenshot from our blog post on How To Amend KRA PIN Principal Physical Address Details (KRA PIN Amendment). This is so as to show you where the Amend PIN Details is located on the menu list.

Step 6: Select The Mode of Amendment in the e-Amendment of Registration Form

In this step, you will need to select the mode of Amendment. In our case, we shall select the Online Form mode. You can also choose to use the Upload Form mode of amendment but we prefer that you use the Online Form mode of amendment. The other fields on the e-Amendment of Registration Form such as the Applicant Type, Taxpayer Name and Taxpayer Name are automatically pre-filled by the system. Once you have selected the mode of amendment, click on the “Next” button.

fill e-amendment registration form

Step 7: Fill In The Individual Registration Amendment Form

In this step, you will need to fill in the Individual Registration Amendment form by selecting PIN and Basic Information tabs. This is because Email Address is located under Basic Information in the Individual Registration form Principal Contact Details. Once you have selected the two fields, click on the “Submit” button. This is as illustrated below.

individual registration amendment form

Take note that when you don’t check on the boxes next to PIN and Basic Information, then Changing the KRA PIN Email Address in the Basic Information tab under Principal contact details will not be possible.

Step 8: Under Basic Information section, Scroll to Principal Contact Details

Under the Basic Information tab, you will need to scroll down to the Principal Contact Details part. Under the Main Email Address, type in your new email address that you want to be using in KRA iTax Portal. This is the new email address that will also be displayed on your KRA PIN Certificate. This is as shown below.

change kra pin email address

Since mid last year 2019, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) introduced the KRA OTP functionality in KRA iTax Portal for the sole purposes of verifying the Email Addresses used in iTax Portal. So, before you new email address is accepted by the system, you will need to check your new Email Address for the new 4 digits KRA OTP Code sent there. You will click on the “Send OTP” button and enter the code sent to that new email.

Step 9: Enter The Generated OTP For Email Verification

In your new Email Address, check for the OTP Code sent there. This is basically to inform you that Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) have received your request for Email ID verification request on KRA iTax online Portal. The OTP Code will serve as the final approval of the new Email Address that you are going to use in KRA iTax Portal.

generated otp for email verification

Once you have received your OTP Code in your Email Address, you will need to enter that code in the One Time Password box as shown below. Please note that the KRA OTP Code is only valid for 15 minutes after which it expires. You will have to request for another KRA OTP Code if you are not able to enter the current one within 15 minutes. 

enter kra otp code

Once you have the KRA OTP code, click on the submit button. A pop up will appear asking you to confirm the new KRA PIN Email Address as your primary email address on iTax Portal. This new KRA PIN Email Address is whereby you will also be getting communication and updates from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). 

confirm new kra pin email address

Step 10: Download The Amended KRA PIN Certificate With The New KRA PIN Email Address

The last step will involve you downloading the KRA PIN Certificate with the new Email Address showing on it. At this point, the amendment and change of KRA PIN Email Address has been completed and you will need to download the amended KRA PIN Certificate.

download amended kra pin certificate

Also note that an email will be sent to your new KRA PIN Email Address confirming that the Registration Amendment of the KRA PIN Email Address has been approved. Now you can begin using the new KRA Email Address with ease.

approval of kra pin change of email address

The above message sent to your email address will serve as the final confirmation that your KRA PIN Email Address has been successfully approved and changed. You can choose to download the new updated KRA PIN Certificate. 

READ ALSO: How To Change KRA iTax Password On KRA Website Portal

To sum everything up, the process of Changing KRA PIN Email Address can be quite simple if you follow the steps that I have shown you above. So, next time you want to use a new email address in your iTax account, just follow these steps on How To Change KRA PIN Email Address on iTax Portal.