How To Reset Forgotten KRA Password Using KRA iTax Portal

Have you forgotten your KRA iTax Password? Learn How To Reset Forgotten KRA Password Using KRA iTax Portal and get a new iTax Password.

I normally get a lot of questions from taxpayers asking: I forgot my kra password? How do I get it back? Firstly, you don’t get it back but rather Reset the Forgotten KRA Password so that a new iTax Password is sent to your iTax Registered Email Address. Secondly, knowing these steps is quite a necessity as it will save you time that most Kenyans tend to struggle in Resetting the KRA Password.

In this article, I am going to share with you the step by step guide on How To Reset Forgotten KRA Password Using KRA iTax Portal. By the end of this article, you should have known What Is KRA Password, Types of KRA Passwords, Requirements Needed To Reset and Change KRA Password and the steps involved in How To Reset Forgotten KRA Password Using KRA iTax Portal.

READ ALSO: How To Access iTax Account Using KRA iTax Portal Login Page

Majority of people have hard time cramming or even remembering passwords for their online accounts. The same applies to most taxpayers in Kenya. Applying and getting a new KRA PIN is one thing, setting a password that is easy to remember is quite another hassle for most taxpayers, who eventually end up forgetting their current KRA iTax Password.

That is going to be a thing of the past, as I am going to share with you the steps to follow in resetting and changing forgotten KRA iTax Password. One thing that you need to take note is for you to change the KRA Password, you must have access to the email that is on iTax, if not then you can apply for KRA Change of Email Address here.

But above all that, you need to ensure that you have with you the iTax login credentials that comprises of the KRA PIN Number and iTax Password. Once you have the two credentials with you, then you can easily follow the step by step procedure that is outlined. 

What Is KRA Password?

What Is KRA Password

A KRA Password is a set of secret characters or words used to authenticate a taxpayer’s access to the KRA iTax Portal. The KRA iTax Passwords help ensure that a taxpayer’s KRA Web Portal Account can only be accessed by those who have been granted the right to view or access them i.e. taxpayer only as he or she is the one who know the iTax Password that he or she set on the iTax Portal.

KRA iTax Passwords plays a crucial role in ensuring that a taxpayer’s iTax Account is secure from unauthorized access. So, as a taxpayer it is your sole duty to ensure that only you alone know the iTax Password that you set in your KRA iTax Web Portal Account. It is common practice worldwide that people do not share passwords to sensitive accounts with anyone else.

When you apply for a KRA PIN at Portal, once your order has been done and processed, normally your will get your KRA PIN Number, KRA PIN Certificate and iTax Password that are sent out by Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to your iTax Registered Email Address that you provided to Portal when you required the KRA PIN Registration services.

You will note that email sent contains what is referred to as iTax First Time Login Credentials. Why? This is because your KRA Web Portal Account was created immediately Portal finished registering for you a new KRA PIN Number. The login credentials are normally the KRA PIN Number and the KRA iTax Password.

You need the above two credentials so as to be able to login to your iTax Account. Once you are logged in, you will need to change the default KRA Password that was sent to that email address and set up a new iTax Password, that you are able to remember easily. The same applies to a scenario where you have forgotten your KRA Password as you will learn in this article.

Now that we have addressed the nitty gritty details of KRA Password, we need to understand the types of KRA Passwords that are mostly used on KRA iTax Portal. These types of KRA Passwords can be grouped into two categories i.e. KRA Strong Password and KRA Weak Password. I am going to explain each of these two categories of KRA iTax Password below.

Types of KRA Passwords

kra password

Just as I had mentioned above, we normally group KRA Passwords into two main categories i.e Strong KRA Password and Weak KRA Password. Each has its own set of definition that aligns well with it just as you are going to find out below.

  • Strong KRA Password

The first set of KRA Passwords is what is referred to as the Strong KRA Password. The term KRA Strong Password is used to describe a KRA Password that is an effective password that would be difficult to break. Often a strong KRA Password has between six and ten characters (the more the better), numbers, other characters, and both upper and lowercase characters.

Below is an example of a strong password. Below is an an example of a strong KRA iTax Password that a taxpayer can use in his or her KRA Web Portal Account.


From the above Strong KRA Password sample, you will note that iTax Password has a combination of both alphabets, numbers and special characters which on a scale of 1 to 100, that above Password sample will score a whooping 99/100, making it one of the strongest passwords in the world.

  • Weak KRA Password

The second and last category of KRA Passwords is the Weak KRA Password.  A Weak KRA Password is a type of password that is trivial to guess or to brute force (hack). Names, birth dates, phone numbers, ID Numbers, Towns, Districts, Counties and easily guessable words are considered weak KRA Passwords. Below is an example of a Weak KRA Password.


You can’t be using such a password in this modern era. That kind of password was fine to use 20 years ago when there were less threats on the internet but not in this decade. On a scale of 1 to 100, this type of password will perform poorly and will normally get a score of 16/100, making it definitely a Weak KRA Password indeed.

Now that we have addressed the two categories of KRA iTax Passwords above, we nove need to shift gears and look at the key requirements that are needed in the processing of resetting and changing forgotten KRA Password on KRA iTax Portal. You are only going to ensure that you have with you KRA PIN Number and iTxa Registered Email Address.

Requirements Needed To Reset And Change KRA Password

To be able to change your iTax Account Password if you have forgotten it, you are going to need your KRA PIN Number and iTax Registered Email Address. I am going to cover each of these two key password reset requirements below.

  • KRA PIN Number

The first key requirement that you are going to need in this process of resetting and changing forgotten KRA Password is the KRA PIN Number is the most important requirement that you need to have with you. If by any chance you have forgotten or you don’t remember your KRA PIN, you can submit KRA PIN Retrieval order online here at Portal and our team of experts will be able to assist with with PIN Retrieval request.

At the same time, if you are looking for a new KRA PIN, you can get it here in 3 minutes by submitting your KRA PIN Registration order today at Portal. Your KRA PIN Certificate will be sent to your Email Address once the Request for PIN Registration has been done and processed from our Support team.

  • iTax Registered Email Address

The other key requirement that you need to have with you and have access to is your iTax Registered Email Address. This is basically the email address that is associated with your KRA PIN on iTax Portal. It is also the email address that you provided when you were registering for a KRA PIN Number or Updating KRA PIN Number on iTax Portal using Portal.

If you have forgotten or do not remember your iTax Email Address or you no longer use that email address, you can apply for KRA PIN Change of Email Address service request here at Portal. You just need to fill the KRA PIN Change of Email Address form, submit and pay for the online order and have our support team assist in changing the iTax Email Address to a new one.

By changing your iTax Registered email address, it will make the process of resetting and changing KRA iTax Password much easier as the new KRA Password will be sent to that email address, and the process of changing that iTax Email Address is now easier thanks to Portal‘s KRA PIN Change of Email Address services.

Now that you have with you the two key requirements that are needed in the process of resetting and changing forgotten KRA iTax Password, we can now start and look at the steps that are involved in How To Reset Forgotten KRA Password Using KRA iTax Portal.

How To Reset Forgotten KRA Password Using KRA iTax Portal

Step 1: Visit KRA Portal

The first step in the process of accessing iTax Account is to visit the KRA iTax Web Portal using the link provided above in the above description. Note, the above is an external link that will take you to the KRA iTax Portal in an external tab.

visit kra itax web portal

Step 2: Enter Your KRA PIN Number In the PIN/User ID Section

In this step, you will need to enter your KRA PIN Number. If you have forgotten your KRA PIN, you can request for KRA PIN Retrieval here at Portal and your KRA PIN will be sent to your email address immediately. Once you have entered your KRA PIN, click on the “Continue” botton to proceed to the next step.

enter kra pin number

Step 3: Click On Forgot Password/Unlock Account

Once you have clicked the “Continue” button above, you will be able to view a new iTax Web Portal Page where you are supposed to enter your iTax Password and solve the arithmetic question. But since we do not know the KRA iTax Password, we need to change the KRA Password to a new one. At the bottom of that page, you will see a link titled “Forgot Password/Unlock Account” click on that link as shown illustrated below.

click on forgot kra password

Step 4: Solve Arithmetic Questions (Security Stamp)

In this step, you will need to solve the arithmetic question (security stamp) and then click on the “Submit” button. This is as illustrated in the screenshot below.

solve arithmetic question

Once you click on the “Submit” button above, you will see a new page telling you that “Your KRA Password has been mailed to you.” You will now need to access your email address in step 5.

your kra password has been mailed to you

Step 5: Login To Your iTax Registered Email Address

Once you have submitted the Forgot KRA Password request above in step 4, you will now need to head over and login to your iTax Registered Email Address as the KRA Reset Password has been sent there. Incase you have forgotten or need to change your iTax Registered Email Address, just fill and submit KRA PIN Change of Email Address order online here at Portal.

kra password reset for kra web portal account

Once you have received the KRA Password Reset email from KRA, you need to take note of the new KRA Password Reset that you are going to use to reset your iTax Password to a new KRA Password.

Step 6: Visit KRA iTax Portal

You will need to revisit the KRA iTax Portal login page again just as we did in step 1 above, by clicking on the provided link.

visit kra itax web portal

Step 7: Enter Your KRA PIN Number In the PIN/User ID Section

Next you will need to enter your KRA PIN Number. If you have forgotten your KRA PIN, you can request for KRA PIN Retrieval here at Portal and your KRA PIN will be sent to your email address immediately. Once you have entered your KRA PIN, click on the “Continue” botton to proceed to the next step.

enter kra pin number

Step 8: Enter KRA iTax Password and Solve Arithmetic Question (Security Stamp)

Here, you will be required to enter your KRA iTax Password and also solve the arithmetic question (security stamp). This is the Reset Password that was sent to your Email Address by by KRA in step 5 above. Once you have entered your iTax Password (the Password Reset) and solved the arithmetic question, click on the “Login” button to access your iTax Account.

enter kra password and solve arithmetic question

Step 9: Set New KRA Password For iTax Account

In this step, you will need to set a new KRA Password for your iTax Account. You do this by entering first the Password Reset that you used to login  with, type and confirm new KRA Password. Make sure it is a strong password with more than 8 characters. Select the check boxes labelled “I Agree To The KRA Website Policy And Disclaimer” and “I Have Read The KRA Website Secure Password Policy Guideline.” Once you have done all this, click on the “Submit” button.

set a new kra password for kra web portal account

Once you enter your new KRA Password and confirm the same, you will get a pop up notification from KRA that you have successfully changed your KRA  Password successfully.

kra password successfully reset and changed

READ ALSO: How To File KRA Returns For Students Using iTax Portal

That notification at this point will mark the end of the KRA Password Reset process that a taxpayer needs to follow. So, as a parting shot you need to know that to be able to reset and change your KRA Password in situation whereby you have forgotten the KRA iTax Password, you are going to need your KRA PIN Number and iTax Registered Email Address. Once you have with you these two requirements, then in case you forget your iTax Password, you can always reset it by following the above 9 steps.