tot calculator

Do you want to Calculate Turnover Tax (TOT) online in Kenya? Use the TOT Calculator (Turnover Tax Calculator) to calculate and get the amount of Turnover Tax (TOT) that is payable to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

The TOT Calculator (Turnover Tax Calculator) at CYBER.CO.KE allows taxpayers to calculate the amount of Turnover Tax (TOT) Payable from the Total Gross Sales of the Month to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).


Turnover Tax (TOT) Calculator

TOT Calculator Powered by: CYBER.CO.KE

What is TOT Calculator (Turnover Tax Calculator)?

The TOT Calculator (Turnover Tax Calculator) is an calculator by CYBER.CO.KE used to determine the amount of turnover tax (TOT) payable by businesses registered for the Turnover Tax (TOT) obligation based on their gross sales turnover for the month.

The TOT Calculator (Turnover Tax Calculator) calculates the tax amount that is payable to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) according to the specified turnover tax rate (1.5%) and the gross sales amount provided by the taxpayer.

The TOT Calculator (Turnover Tax Calculator) helps businesses estimate their tax liability and facilitates compliance with turnover tax regulations. Calculate and get the correct Turnover Tax (TOT) payable to Kenya Revnue Authority (KRA).