East African Revenue Authorities Garner More Than $3 Million in Revenue Through Tax Evasion Investigations

The East Africa Revenue Authorities have reported a total revenue of $3,039,053.95 resulting from tax evasion investigations conducted between October 2023 and April 2024. This announcement came during the 18th East Africa Revenue Authorities Technical Committee on Integrity (EARATCI) meeting, hosted by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) under the theme Integrity and Revenue Performance.

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During the meeting, Mr. Humphrey Wattanga, the Commissioner General of KRA, reaffirmed KRA’s dedication to embedding integrity and values into all operational aspects to ensure effective revenue mobilization. He emphasized KRA’s utilization of technology to bolster revenue administration, analyze tax data, and gain deeper insights into business and transaction landscapes.

Mr. Wattanga stressed the importance of staying ahead of evolving corruption, especially with technology’s potential to complicate matters. He expressed KRA’s commitment to implementing EARATCI’s strategic objectives through collaboration, knowledge exchange, and information sharing among East African Revenue Authorities.

Mr. James Abola, Chairman of EARATCI from Uganda Revenue Authority, emphasized the necessity for Revenue Authorities to conduct their activities transparently and be accountable to both the government and the community. He highlighted the focus of this year’s meeting on conducting a comprehensive integrity survey, enhancing data collection methods, utilizing a Regional corruption perception index measurement tool, and implementing a Regional investigation-training concept developed with guidance from the African Tax Administration Forum.

The primary aim of EARATCI is to continuously identify initiatives aimed at improving the tax-to-GDP ratio, combating corruption, enhancing voluntary compliance, sharing investigation-related information, and promoting integrity to boost revenue performance. Other initiatives within EARATCI include capacity building, informer rewards, proactive investigations, lifestyle audits, vetting, and integrity testing.

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This three-day engagement brings together delegates from Revenue Authorities of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan. EARATCI, a subcommittee of East African Revenue Authority Commissioner Generals, convened its inaugural meeting in 2014 and has since conducted biannual engagements in April and October to deliberate and exchange best practices in addressing corruption issues.

Source: Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)