How To Download HELB Compliance Certificate On HEF Portal

HELB, which stands for the Higher Education Loans Board, plays a crucial role in the Education sector in Kenya by providing financial assistance to students pursuing higher education in Kenya through loans and scholarships. One important document associated with the HELB loan process is the HELB Compliance Certificate. This certificate serves as proof that an individual has met their financial obligations and repaid their loan in accordance with the agreed-upon terms. It is a testament to the borrower’s commitment to fulfilling their responsibilities and reflects positively on their financial integrity. It is normally issued to HELB Loanees (those who benefited from HELB loans) and HELB Non-Loanees (those who did not benefit from HELB loans).

READ ALSO: How To Apply For HELB Compliance Certificate On HEF Portal

The HELB Compliance Certificate is not only essential, but also holds a huge significance for employers and other institutions here in Kenya. Many employers in Kenya require all potential employees to present their HELB Compliance Certificate as part of the hiring/recruitment process here in Kenya. This requirement ensures that candidates have responsibly managed their financial commitments, demonstrating a level of financial discipline and responsibility. Additionally, the HELB Clearance Certificate may be necessary when applying for other financial products or services in Kenya, as it attests to an individual’s creditworthiness and reliability in meeting financial obligations.

Downloading of HELB Compliance Certificate is normally done on either on HEF Portal or eCitizen. If you applied for your HELB Compliance Certificate using HEF Portal, then you can easily download the HELB Compliance Certificate on your HEF Portal account. The same applies if you applied for your HELB Compliance Certificate using eCitizen, you can also download the HELB Compliance Certificate by using your eCitizen account. The choice is normally yours on which platform you want to use so as to be able to download your HELB Clearance Certificate. In this blog post, we shall be focusing of downloading the HELB Compliance Certificate by using HEF Portal. 

Requirements Needed In Downloading HELB Compliance Certificate

To be able to download your HELB Compliance Certificate on HEF Portal, there are two important requirements that you need to ensure that you have with you. This includes; HEF Portal Email Address and HEF Portal Password. Below is a brief summary of what both of these two requirements entails in relation to the process of How To Download HELB Compliance Certificate On HEF Portal.

HEF Portal Email Address

The HEF Portal Email Address is important as it serves as the username for all HEF Portal accounts. So, the first thing that you need to use so as to login into your HEF Portal account is the HEF Portal Email Address. 

HEF Portal Password

Next requirements is the HEF Portal Password. This is quite important as it enables one to authenticate the login session on HEF Portal. You are supposed to input your HEF Portal Password so as to login into your HEF Portal account quickly and easily. 

How To Download HELB Compliance Certificate

The following are the 5 main steps involved in the process of How To Download HELB Compliance Certificate that you need to follow.

Step 1: Visit HEF Portal 

Visit HEF Portal 

To be able to download HELB Compliance Certificate, you first need to visit HEF Portal by using

Step 2: Login Into HEF Portal

Login Into HEF Portal

In this step, you need to login into your HEF Portal account by using both your HEF Portal Email Address and HEF Portal Password, and clicking on the “Login” button to begin the process of downloading HELB Compliance Certificate on HEF Portal.

Step 3: Click On Self Service Then Compliance Certificate

Click On Self Service Then Compliance Certificate

Once you are logged into your HEF Portal account, on the left menu tab, click on “Self Service” followed by “Compliance Certificate” from the drop down menu list.

Step 4: Click On Get HELB Compliance Certificate

Click On Get HELB Compliance Certificate

Next, in this step you need to click on “Get HELB Compliance Certificate” to initiate the process of downloading your HELB Compliance Certificate on HEF Portal.

Step 5: Download HELB Compliance Certificate

Download HELB Compliance Certificate

In this last step, to download the HELB Compliance Certificate, click on the “Reprint Certificate” which will initiate the automatic downloading of the HELB Compliance Certificate on your HEF Portal account. Once downloaded, you can easily save and even print a copy of your downloaded HELB Compliance Certificate. 

READ ALSO: How To Register On HEF Portal

For you to be able to download your HELB Compliance Certificate on HEF Portal, you need to ensure that you are able to access your HEF Portal account. Afterwards, you need to ensure that you had already applied for HELB Compliance Certificate on HEF Portal and at the moment you want to download a copy of the HELB Compliance Certificate on HEF Portal. For you to be successful in the process of downloading HELB Clearance Certificate on HEF Portal, just follow the above steps to successfully.