How To Retrieve KRA PIN Using KRA iTax Web Portal

Have you Lost or Forgotten your KRA PIN and need to Retrieve the PIN Certificate? Learn How To Retrieve KRA PIN Using iTax Portal KRA PIN Retrieval process. It’s human nature to either remember or forget something as we are not all perfect. You might be in a situation whereby you really need your KRA PIN Number but don’t remember or have forgotten it.

Not all of us can memorize KRA PIN Numbers leave alone have a decent document filing system where all your documents including KRA PIN Certificate can be easily found. That’s what causes the need and demand for Kenyans to Retrieve their lost KRA PIN Certificates using the KRA PIN Retrieval Services here at CYBER.CO.KE. So, in this ultimate KRA PIN Retrieval article, I am going to share with you very simple KRA PIN Retrieval steps that you need to follow in case you require to Retrieve your lost or forgotten KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate.

If you have forgotten and need to Retrieve your KRA PIN Certificate quickly and easily, then this article will be of great benefit to the KRA PIN Retrieval request that you want done. First and foremost, we need to understand what we mean by the term KRA PIN Retrieval as this is the main focus of this article.

READ ALSO: KRA PIN Certificate Download Process On KRA iTax Portal

We need to look at PIN Retrieval in relation to KRA iTax Portal and KRA PIN Certificate of a taxpayer in Kenya. If you have forgotten your KRA PIN Certificate and are in need of it as quickly as possible, then the KRA PIN Retrieval services offered at CYBER.CO.KE will come in handy as your KRA PIN Number together with your KRA PIN Certificate will be retrieved and sent to your preferred email address. 

What Is KRA PIN Retrieval?

what is kra pin retrieval

KRA PIN Retrieval is a process whereby a taxpayer who has forgotten his or her KRA PIN Number or KRA PIN Certificate takes so as to Retrieve the lost or forgotten KRA PIN or KRA PIN Certificate. Take not that KRA PIN Retrieval involves the retrieving of the taxpayers KRA PIN Certificate which contains his or her Personal Identification Number (KRA PIN) from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

Here at CYBER.CO.KE, we specialize in offering unmatched KRA PIN Retrieval services to taxpayers in Kenya quickly and easily. So, as a process PIN Retrieval encompasses getting and retrieving the KRA PIN Certificate document that a taxpayer has lost or has forgotten in its entirety.

Now that we have laid the foundation by defining what we mean by the term KRA PIN Retrieval, we need to understand the importance of PIN Retrieval to a taxpayer. Why is this Retrieval process so important? That’s the question that can only be answered by looking at the importance of KRA PIN Retrieval process.

Importance Of KRA PIN Retrieval

There exists only two key importance of KRA PIN Retrieval process. That is Retrieving the KRA PIN Number and Retrieving the KRA PIN Certificate. I am going to shed more light on these key PIN Retrieval process importance.

  • Retrieving the KRA PIN Number

Incase you don’t know or have forgotten your KRA PIN Number, then with KRA PIN Retrieval, you will be able to Retrieve KRA PIN Number that you might have forgotten. The process of KRA PIN Retrieval enables you retrieve your 11 digit long KRA PIN Number quickly and easily by using both iTax Portal and CYBER.CO.KE. So, if you have forgotten your KRA PIN Number, the PIN Retrieval is the best option for you to get the forgotten KRA PIN Number quickly and easily. 

  • Retrieving the KRA PIN Certificate

In a situation whereby you need a copy of your KRA PIN Certificate, then KRA PIN Retrieval will enable you Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate copy for printing and saving purposes.The process of KRA PIN Retrieval enables you get the PDF version of your KRA PIN Certificate using both iTax Portal and CYBER.CO.KE. In case you need the hard copy or soft copy version of your KRA PIN Certificate, then you should use our KRA PIN Retrieval process

The above sum up the importance of the KRA PIN Retrieval Process. Now we need to look at the two key requirements that we are going to need in this process. That is ID Number and Date of Birth. I am going to briefly highlight on the two PIN Retrieval Requirements below.

Requirements Needed For KRA PIN Retrieval

For you to be able to Retrieve your KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate, you are going to need ID Number and Date of Birth. Basically these two are just displayed on your National ID.

  • ID Number

The ID Number is one of the requirements that you are going to need in this process. This Number is located at the top right hand side of your Identity Card.

  • Date of Birth

The other requirement that you need to have with you is the Date of Birth. Everyone knows his date of birth as this is clearly displayed on your National ID. Once you have with you both the ID Number and Date of Birth, then we can officially begin to look at the steps that you need to take in order to Retrieve Lost or Forgotten KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate.

NOTE: The KRA PIN Retrieval process is categorized into two key parts. The first part is confirming whether or not you already have a KRA PIN Number using KRA iTax Portal and then the last part is Retrieving the Lost or Forgotten KRA PIN Number or KRA PIN Certificate using CYBER.CO.KE

How To Retrieve KRA PIN Certificate

Step 1: Visit iTax (KRA Portal)

The first step that you need to take is to ensure that you visit the KRA iTax Web Portal using the link provided above in the above description. Note, the above is an external link that will take you to the KRA iTax Portal.

access kra itax web portal

Step 2: Click on the Register Button

Next, you will need to click on the “Register” button located at the left hand side of the iTax Portal. This is as illustrated in the screenshot below.

click on the register button

Step 3: Select Individual and Online Form in the e-Registration part

In this step, you are going to select Individual and then Online Form in the e-Registration for. This is as illustrated below. Click on the “Next” button once you have done so. 

fill the e-registration form

Step 4: Select Citizenship as Kenyan and then Enter National ID and Date of Birth

Here, you will need to select the citizenship under Residential Details as Kenyan, and then enter National ID Number under the national ID details sections then enter Date of Birth under the Individual Data section. Click in any part of the screen. This is as illustrated below. 

kra pin has been issued for national identity number

Should you get the message notification from as shown above with the following information:

“A PIN has been issued for entered National Identity Number 2******0, Kindly enter different National Identity Number or consult nearest KRA Office for clarification”

Don’t panic, the above message simply means that you already have a KRA PIN Number that is on iTax Portal. So, you will need to start the KRA PIN Retrieval process. The PIN Retrieval process will help you get your KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate sent to your email address.

Here at CYBER.CO.KE, we offer KRA PIN Retrieval services to all Kenyans in each and every county. So, for you to retrieve the lost of forgotten KRA PIN Number, proceed to step 5 below. 

Step 5: Fill In The KRA PIN Retrieval Form at CYBER.CO.KE

Now that you have found out that you already have a KRA PIN Number on iTax (KRA Portal), you need to start the KRA PIN Retrieval process by just simply filling the KRA PIN Retrieval form below. You need to fill in the National ID Number and Valid Email Address only. 

Step 6: Pay Kshs. 200 For KRA PIN Retrieval Using Lipa Na M-Pesa Till Number 4288558

Once you have successfully filled in the KRA PIN Retrieval Form above, you will head over to M-Pesa and pay for KRA PIN Retrieval service request at Portal using Lipa na M-Pesa Till Number 4288558.


 The cost of KRA PIN Retrieval Services at Portal is Kshs. 200/= only. One you have filled in the PIN Retrieval form in step 5 above. The price is what is called service charge for the Retrieval services. 

Step 7: Receive Your Retrieved KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate In Your Email Address

The last step after submission and payment of the KRA PIN Retrieval charges at Portal., our Support Team will work and process your PIN Retrieval request within 5 minutes of receipt of the online order. Your Retrieved KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate will be sent to your email address so as to enable you download and print the Retrieved KRA PIN Certificate that has your KRA PIN Number. This is as shown in the screen shot below. 

retrieved kra pin certificate

READ ALSO: How To Check KRA PIN Using iTax KRA PIN Checker

Once you get your Retrieved KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate, now you can have ease as you can print and save a copy of your KRA PIN Certificate for future usage. Next time you need to Retrieved KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate, just follow the above KRA PIN Retrieval procedure and you will be able to get your lost or forgotten KRA PIN Number and KRA PIN Certificate within 5 minutes.