self made person

Being a self-made person is more than just being a successful person. These words refer to people who not only have found their path to success but moved from zeroes to heroes.

Though it is completely normal to receive help from other people, the success of self-made people is less interdependent with other people’s help than it usually is.

And it makes a noticeable difference between the self-made individuals and those who already had some paths cleared up for them. Of course, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t acknowledge the hard work of silver spooners but they had it easier though.

Inspire Yourself! These Self-Made People Went From Rags To Riches

Some well-known and successful people have achieved success only through their endeavors and efforts. Let’s list some of them:

  1. George Soros. Before moving to London, his family survived a Nazi occupation in Hungary. After graduation, he worked as a waiter and souvenir seller. He started his brilliant career in the financial world as a low-profile employee. Today he is a famous stock investor, philanthropist, hedge fund manager, and, well, a billionaire.
  2. Roman Abramovich. Yes, today he is rich and famous, but once he was an ordinary man. Having lost his parents at the age of 4, at some point he decided to become rich. At university, Roman gathered people and began to sell toys made of polymers. Then he went into the oil industry and made his way to a self-made millionaire.
  3. Oprah Winfrey. Born to a single mother, she was living her childhood and teenage years in poverty. She also suffered from physical and sexual abuse. The fate of this outstanding woman was very difficult, but she managed to start her own show, become an Emmy Award-winning talk show host, and a billionaire.
  4. Ralph Lauren. This iconic fashion designer was once expelled from the college. After the army, he didn’t have a clear idea of his plan for life and got a job as a sales consultant in a network of retail stores. His hard work and creativity helped him to become one of the 200 richest people in the world.
  5. John Paul DeJoria. A founder of Patrón Spirits Co. and John Paul Mitchell Systems, DeJoria wasn’t always a rich and successful entrepreneur. As a young man, he changed many jobs to support his family, selling everything from Christmas cards and newspapers to shampoo. There was even a period in John Paul Dejoria’s biography when he had to sleep in his car.
  6. Shahid Khan. Before establishing himself as a prolific businessman, Shahid Khan worked as a dishwasher for just around $1 per hour. His ticket to success was his design of the one-piece truck bumper for his auto parts company, Flex-N-Gate.
  7. Howard Schultz. The former CEO of Starbucks and writer, he began working at the age of 12 and gave part of his earnings to his parents. The first person in his family to get a higher education, Schultz became a successful salesman and even built a company.
  8. J. K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling was a single mother in the 90s. She also had a severe depression. She managed to get out of this situation and wrote Harry Potter books. They not only made her internationally famous but turned her into the first $1 billion author.
  9. Jim Carrey. One of the most brilliant actors of all time, Jim Carrey left school at the age of 16. He had to work and earn money. The guy had unique acting abilities and such perseverance, which everyone would envy.

Success Tips From Self-Made People

How did all these people make their way up to their heights? Is it even possible to do it? Some people believe that only people with strong character and willpower can achieve success.

There are no step-by-step guides on how to become a billionaire. Whether you should do something or not, isn’t a safe bet. However, there are still some traits self-made people share in common.

  1. Find a career path. Look inside yourself. What is the most interesting for you? What do you enjoy doing? What kind of activity do you enjoy doing? Having determined this, you can safely set goals and go to them. After all, you can decide, say, I want to be rich. And do commerce 24 hours a day. And if it is not yours? Will you be happy? And will you be good at it? Maybe your gift is creativity. And by devoting yourself to it, you can become rich, successful, and most importantly, happy!
  2. Set goals and stick to them. Start with small goals, then conquer new and more impressive and serious heights.
  3. Do not rely on others. You should immediately realize that no one owes you anything. No, it is normal to receive help. Moreover, we all receive help. But you are the person who is most responsible for your achievements.
  4. Believe in yourself and love yourself. Low self-esteem never makes you a hero.
  5. Go only forward, don’t look back. Look back only to analyze your mistakes and learn from them but don’t get lost in pointless ruminating.
  6. Remember that you cannot build happiness on the misfortune of other people. Do not give up your morals to achieve your goals. If certain moral values help you navigate your life, giving up them for the price of success doesn’t make you happy.
  7. Be ready to take risks. For example, if you are not satisfied with your job, change it. You can also move to another city or even to another country.
  8. Taking risks doesn’t mean you don’t think about the consequences of your actions. Think ahead and consider the consequences. Plan your time, make short-term and long-term plans.